Music + Prayer

Jewish Music and Prayer

Jewish melodies that transcend the years connect the Jewish soul from generation to generation. We offer you these recordings as a way into Jewish prayer for any setting. Bring your media device to the Shabbat table and sing-a-long, listen on the go, or for student practice.  Students in the Tamid B’nai Mitzvah Program, please refer to this prayer learning schedule for 2024-25                BM YEAR1 / BM YEAR2

Shabbat Table Blessings

The traditional Friday eve prayers for candles, wine, challah, and blessing after a meal

1. Candles – The Blessing for Light (download text)

Audio Player

2. Kiddush – The Blessing for the Wine (download text)

Audio Player

3. Motzi – The Blessing for Bread (download text)

Audio Player

4. Birkat HaMazon – The Blessing After a Meal (download text)

Audio Player

Shabbat Prayers
Classic melodies to the most familiar prayers in Jewish worship

5. Prayer for wearing the Talit (download text)

Audio Player

6. Aliyah Before Reading Torah (download text)

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7. Aliyah After Reading Torah (download text)

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8. Shema (download text)

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9. V’havtah (download text)

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10. Intro to the Amidah (download text)

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11. Avot v’Imahot (download text)

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12. Gevurot (download text)

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13. Aleinu (download text)

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14. Kaddish Yatom or Mourner’s Kaddish (download text)

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15. Blessing Before Reading Haftarah (download text)

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16. Blessing After Reading Haftarah (download text)

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17. V’shamru (download text)

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18. Ma Tovu (download text)

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19. Havdalah Blessings – Wine, Spices, and Light (download text)

Audio Player

20. Shavua Tov – A Good Week! (download text)

Audio Player

Jewish Favorites
Well known songs, prayers, and melodies for every Jewish home

21. Adon Olam (download text)

Audio Player

22. Eitz Chayim – Torah Service (download text)

Audio Player

23. HaTikva – The Hope/National Anthem of Israel (download text)

Audio Player

24. Hinei Mah Tov (download text)

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25. Mi Shebeirach – A Prayer for Healing, D. Friedman version (download text)

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26. Oseh Shalom (download text)

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27. Shalom Aleichem (download text)

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28. Shehechianu – A Blessing for Firsts (download text)

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29. Hanukkah Candle Blessing (download text)

Audio Player

30. Mah Nishtanah – The Four Questions of Passover (download text)

Audio Player

The Prayer Sources
All of the above prayers with transliteration and translation can be found in the new Reform prayerbook, Mishkan Tefilah.

If you want us to send you a CD with the above collection, send us an email with your mailing address to our office line –

Thank you and enjoy!