
We welcome you to gather with us!

At Tamid, we gather together for prayer, study, and social action – the hallmarks of our congregation. We meet for Shabbat prayer and dinner on the first Friday of the month, for the major Jewish holidays, and for the Downtown Community Seder. Tamid is the resident synagogue at the iconic St. Paul’s Chapel, the oldest house of worship in New York City and the home where George Washington prayed on the day he was inaugurated President of the United States. Tamid’s Ark sits permanently on the floor of the chapel and over two million visitors each year see our historic Ark in this context.

Our Hebrew School meets weekly for study, and Limud, our adult learning program meets for sessions in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.

For social action, we invite you to make a dinner pack for the homeless each time we gather for Shabbat, to serve guests at our Interfaith Thanksgiving Meal, to spend MLK with us in the National Day for Service. Tamid teens meet one Saturday night per month for DHAP – the Downtown Hunger Action Program and Tamid Scouts (grades 2-6) meet once per season for a Mitzvah fun day.

Tamid’s Forever Young Society (ages 75+) is our fastest growing crowd. And your newest group, The L’Chayim Society, is a dinner group for post-college 20 year olds. All are welcome.