Lessons and Learning
Welcome to our lessons. We are adding classes every week and are in active development. For now, we invite you to enjoy the lessons below. For more information and for your feedback, contact us at [email protected]. Enjoy!
The Jewish Holidays Explorer (10 lessons)
Ready to learn all about the major Jewish holidays? In these seven lessons, you’ll learn about Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah (The Jewish New Year), Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. Click the picture of the menorah in the synagogue to get started learning about holidays.
1 – Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year
2 – Yom Kippur – The holiest day of the year
3 – Sukkot – The festival of Booths
4 – Simchat Torah – The Beginning and The End of the Torah
5 – Hannukah and the Festival of Lights
6 – Tu B’Shevat – Thinking About the Trees
7 – Purim – The Joy of Purim!
8 – Passover Series (5 lessons)
9 – Shavuot – Receiving the Commandments
10 – Tisha B’Av
Introduction to Jewish History (10 lessons)
Knowing about the past is one of the most important topics in developing a student’s cultural identity. In ten lessons (currently in process in the Spring 2014), we will cover segments of the major episodes in Jewish history from biblical times to 21st Century. Students will gain a sense of geography, population shifts, and popular figures in Jewish history
Lesson 1: Biblical History I – Places and People
Lesson 2: Biblical History II – Kings and Temples
Lesson 3: The Pharises, Bar Cochbah, the diaspora
Lesson 4: Jews in the Middle Ages in Egypt and Spain
Lesson 5: Jews, Muslims, and Christians together in the Middle Ages
Lesson 6: Jews in the Innervelt – Ashkenazi Jews
Lesson 7: World War II and Nazism (appropriate for 12 years and older)
Lesson 8: Jewish Immigration to America, 1880 to 1945
Lesson 9: Modern Israel from the first Aliyah
Lesson 10: Jewish experience in the 21st Century
Jewish Values: The Mensch Series: How to be a Mensch (6 lessons)
Everyone wants to be a good person and every parent wants to raise a mensch. In these six lessons, students will explore the idea of mitzvah (commandment) and middah (value and virtue) and will study Jewish texts that show children how to live like a mensch. Students will learn the values of being a mensch to their friends, their family, and themselves. Click the picture to get to the Mensch Lessons.
Lesson: The Mensch Series #1: What is a Mitzvah?
Lesson: The Mensch Series #2: What is a Middah?
Lesson: The Mensch Series #3: Being a Mensch to Yourself
Lesson: The Mensch Series #4: Be a Mensch in your Family
Lesson: The Mensch Series #5: Be a Mensch to your Friends
Lesson: The Mensch Series Finale #6: Being the Best Mensch you can be
A Five-Part Journey from Exodus to Passover (5 lessons)
Lets take an ancient Journey together with Moses, Aaron and Miriam. They led the Israelites from slavery to freedom and along the way had to free themselves from slavery to the Pharaoh, cross the Red Sea without a boat, get the Ten Commandments from God, and march all the way to Israel. You learn these tales and all about Passover. Click the picture of Jerusalem to get started on your journey.
Lesson 1: Moses is Born in Egypt
Lesson 2: The Israelites march to Freedom
Lesson 3: The Golden Calf and The 10 Commandments
Lesson 4: The Three Meanings of Passover
Lesson 5: The Passover Seder and Haggadah
Spirituality Sample Lesson: Sharing is a Spiritual Value
In Sharing is a Spiritual Value, students will learn why sharing is an important part of developing a spiritual life. Our friends at Spirituality for Kids have created a 24 part series on developing a healthy spiritual life in children. This lesson can be done at home or in school. Good luck and Enjoy! Click the image of a dad and son sharing time together to begin your lesson.image of the two girls to begin your lesson.
We’re actively rolling out a few lessons each week with the dream of being able to offer the following Curriculum. If you would like to support our development work or have ideas about how to make it successful, we’d welcome a conversation with you. Please be in touch with us, [email protected]. Thank you!