+ Purim Show, Mar. 7


Dear Students, we need you to write stories about Purim!

Story Pirates PhotoHere’s Why: On March 7th, Story Pirates is going to perform a comedy show all about Purim based on stories written by you for the 2014 Tamid Purim Show. The Story Pirates (www.storypirates.org) are a group of actors and teachers who help people write stories, then turn those stories into a musical comedy show.  

If you are creative, like to write stories, and would like your story performed on stage and live at our Purim Show by a group of professional actors, then this is your opportunity!

We want all kinds of Purim stories. Every idea is a good idea and in this case as long as it has to do with Purim it’s going to be a great story. If you don’t have an idea yet, here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Write a story about how your family celebrates Purim.
  • Write about your favorite part of the Purim story.
  • Take the main characters from the Book of Esther and put them into your very own story.
  • Write about a hamentashen who comes to life.
  • Write a mystery that takes place at a Purim carnival.

Want to learn more about Purim to get your writing juices flowing? Watch this Video lesson on Purim

Deadline to submit your stories: February 16th, 5 PM. Please submit them to our office: [email protected]. Any young person ages 3-18 can submit a story.

We will announce which stories got chosen at the Purim Show on March 7th at 6 PM (Chapel, 209 Broadway at Fulton). See you there. Good Luck!