Volunteer on Thanksgiving 2018
Join the communities of Trinity Church Wall Street, Tamid: the Downtown Synagogue, and The Interfaith Center of New York to prepare St. Paul’s Chapel and serve a Thanksgiving Lunch at St. Paul’s Chapel to members of our community. Volunteer spots are available on Wednesday, November 21st and Thursday, November 22nd. On the day of Thanksgiving, we give roles out as volunteers arrive. There is always a lot to do!
Please email Christina if you would like to volunteer (RSVP Mandatory): [email protected]
Wednesday, November 21st
Set all tables, Create welcome table and name-tag station, Create art for the table settings,
Arrange Flowers, Help set-up public art station, Set up Coat Check, Training for Thanksgiving Volunteer Captains
Arrange Flowers, Help set-up public art station, Set up Coat Check, Training for Thanksgiving Volunteer Captains
Thursday, Nov 22nd
Table Hosts, Food Runners/Bussers, Beverage Table, Welcome Table, Coat Check, Brown Bag Lunch, Public Art Project, To-Go Station