+ Our Theater Rabbi, Laurie Katz Braun

Shabbat Shalom from Laurie Katz Braun, Tamid’s Theater and Creative Arts Rabbi!

Never met a Theater Rabbi before? You’re not alone! Rabbi Braun is the founder of Theater 8–a place where life, stage, and the human spirit are fused.

Created in God’s Image. Now What???Our tradition teaches that we are all created in God’s image, and that each one of us has something unique to contribute to the world.  As adults, we take on so many responsibilites that we sometimes forget this. We forget to take a deep breath, to look inward, to think about what unique gifts we each have to offer the world.

Sometimes a moment in our lives offer us this lens–when we have a meaningful human interaction, watch a powerful movie or play, or read a book that holds a mirror to ourselves.

This week my son offered me that reflective lens–that reminder to take a breath and appreciate what is most uniquely him–and in turn, myself.  Children have an innate connection to the holiness within them–and their words often serve as reminders to those of us who left childhood long ago.

My son is five and has an especially expressive spirit. Much to my more introspective daughter’s dismay, he constantly improvises songs to express himself!  This week his song struck me as a prayer–of thanks for the soul that is placed within each of us.

My prayer for the Tamid community this Shabbat is that we take a moment to reflect on the gifts within in each of us–
And to give thanks for whatever qualities make us uniquely created in God’s image.

Rabbi Laurie Katz Braun,
Theater 8.
(Why Theater 8? Because on the 8th day, we become partners with God in the act of creation.)