+ Annual Meeting, Feb 26

Edah:Va'ad Leadership Team Pic

Dear Members,

On behalf of the Va’ad and Edah Leadership committees, we cordially invite you to the annual Tamid congregational meeting.

Our meeting will take place in the lower parlor at City Hall Restaurant on Duane Street: Wednesday, February 26, at 6 PM. We hope that at least one adult in each membership unit can represent your voice. Following our meeting, we will join together for a congregational dinner (no host) upstairs in the dining room.

Opening Circle
New Member Welcome
Current #’s: congregation, membership, school
Real Estate: 299 Broadway and St. Paul’s Chapel
Ark Update
Financial Presentation
12-24 month program vision: program expansion, staff growth
Capacity and Infrastructure Growth, 2014-15
Questions and Discussion
Retire for Dinner
If there are additions to the agenda that you would like to make, or questions for discussion, please contact us before Feb 22nd. Due to the length and # of items on our agenda, we will unfortunately not be able to take additional agenda items after Feb 22nd. Thank you for your consideration
We look forward to seeing you on February 26th at 6 PM.
Thank you,
Robb Tretter, Va’ad Chair 
Jamie Propp, Secretary