Positive Passover Seder Guide
Positive Passover Seder Guides
by Rabbi Darren Levine, D.Min
To enhance your Passover experience, I invite you to use either the Complete Positive Passover Guide or the 15-minute Positive Passover Guide
Dear Friends,
Passover is about stories and rituals and lends itself naturally to the core teachings of Positive Judaism, a new approach that leads people to live with more gratitude, hope, awe, inspiration, courage, love, and joy. With a positive mindset, I encourage you to approach your seder with a higher purpose this year focused on two leading questions. First, how can my seder raise the level of positivity in the lives of those who sit at my table? And second, how can my seder inspire those at my table to go out and make the world a more positive place for others?
Regardless of your background or level of Jewish observance, these guides pair the essence of the Passover seder with universal human strengths and values. The same strengths and values displayed by the Israelites in the ancient day are the very same strengths that we can draw on today to lead positive lives. The Passover Guides can be used by the leader, distributed to everyone at your seder table, or used in your own creative way. You’re invited to deepen the conversation around your seder table by reacting to the values and wisdom texts in each section.
These guides are in their trial version for 2017 and I welcome your input and feedback. After your seder or before, please contact me directly – I would be honored to hear about your experience.
Let me wish you, your friends, and your loved ones, a very happy and joyous Passover!
Rabbi Darren Levine
[email protected].