#16 Holiday Explorer: Purim – The Feast of Lots
#16 Purim – The Feast of Lots
Shalom! In this session, you will learn about Purim, or the Feast of Lots, is a joyous holiday that recounts the saving the Jewish people from a war during the Persian period (539-330 BCE). In this lesson, you will learn:
- History: How Purim began and how it is observed today
- Practice: How and when Purim is observed
- Values: How to apply the lesson of Purim in your life
- Good Deeds: How to share the joy of Purim with others
#1 WATCH this video on Purim from GodCast. Enjoy!
#2 LISTEN/READ this history of Purim

#3 WATCH our friends teach you more about Purim!
#4 LISTEN/READ – How to celebrate Purim!
My name is Queen Esther. Purim is celebrated in most of the world on the 14th of Adar. However, in Jerusalem it is observed on the 15th of Adar. On Purim the Megillah teaches that we give gifts to friends (mishloach manot), usually of food, and to the poor (matanot l’evyonim). Purim is a time for carnivals and parties and masquerades. Most Jewish congregations hold special carnivals for children, and children dress in costumes that commemorate the various characters of the Purim story. They perform humorous plays called Purim shpiels, which are really fun!
#5 The Purim value of FUN and JOY is important. Enjoy!
#6 TASTE OF PURIM: How to make the Hamentashen cookie, here’s how!
#7 Review and Response
Now that you have watched the videos, read the story, and learned about Purim, please respond to these questions.
1. What is the Jewish date that Purim is celebrated?
2. Why do Jews observe the holiday of Purim?
3. What is the Jewish party or show called that celebrates Purim?
4. Who are four characters in the Purim story?
5. What is the good deed (mitzvah) we can bring someone on Purim?
Need some help?
We’re here for you. At any time, if you have any questions, please contact one of our teachers so we can help you.
Also, at the end of the session, remember to review your responses in your Tamid Workbook so you can get credit for this lesson. Behatzlacha (Hebrew for good luck)!
You can reach us (646)360-0689 or [email protected]