Volunteer + Serve

Volunteer All Year with Tamid!

Community Service, Tikkun Olam, and volunteer opportunities help strengthen the lives of those in need. Tamid believes in making the world a more human place through volunteering together. Get involved – email Christina at [email protected]

1-2-3 Weekly Service Activities
Make weekly community service an expression of your Judaism

  1. Make a sandwich and dinner pack for the homeless every Friday after shabbat services at the Chapel. Put your prayer into action!

2. Join the Teen Mitzvah Corps every Wednesday night for service learning, direct action, and developing the spirit of service.

3. Attend the Downtown Hunger Action Project for Teens on Saturday night each month. Make dinner and life packs for those living on the streets in our neighborhood.

Annual Service Events
All are welcome to join and to serve!

Downtown Thanksgiving Lunch: Serve meals to those searching for fellowship and kindness on Thanksgiving with Tamid, Trinity Wall Street, and Park 51.

Hanukkah Coat Drive: Donate a warm coat and winter clothing at our December Hanukkah Shabbat.

MLK National Day of Service: Gather with neighbors for mini-projects all over NYC with UJA Federation – click here.  

President’s Day Teen and Family Trip: Travel with Tamid for a 4-day trip to serve places in need. Past trips include Houston, Northern Florida and Alabama.

Dress for Success Donation – A Purim Collection: She was the heroine of the Purim tale in the ancient day but there are “Esther’s” in need of courage and support.

5K Shlep for Ovarian and Breast Cancer: Join Team Tamid each June to raise funds for Breast cancer research at the Rabin Medical Center in Israel.

Tamid Volunteer Partners
Contact our partners directly and get involved!

Dorot USA
Dorot delivers food and kindness to aging New Yorkers offering intergenerational connections for youth and families – click
contact Peri Smilow, [email protected]



NAC: New Alternatives for Children, INC
NAC provides integrated health and social services to children with special health care needs.  Volunteers work on-going with children 1-1 to support their lives – click
Contact Bobbi Nathanson, LCSW, bnathanson@nackidscan.org


Brooklyn Family Justice Center
Donate goods, services, and funds to support women and children suffering from domestic violence. Donations center at 250 Jay St. in Brooklyn. more info – click