56.2 – Adam & Eve

#56.2 Jewish History – Stories from the Torah – Adam & Eve

In this session you will read the story of Adam and Eve who lived in Garden of Eden. You will discuss what the possible types of fruit that were on the tree of knowledge and life, as well as thinking through why decisions we make have consequences.

#1 READ: The Story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

God planted a garden in Eden and put Adam, the first man, in the garden. And God said, “You may eat the fruit of every tree, but do not eat the fruit of the tree in the center of the garden. If you eat the fruit of the tree called the tree of knowing good and evil, your eyes will be opened!”

Then God said, “Adam should not be alone. I will create a partner for him.” God paraded all the living things in front of Adam and Adam named each one of them – lion, tiger, elephant, goat, zebra, eagle, and dove. But no partner for Adam was found. So God made Adam sleep a deep sleep, and while he slept, God took one of Adam’s ribs and from it made a woman named Eve. And when Adam saw Eve, he loved her and they were partners.

Now in the garden was a snake. The snake was the sliest creature God had made. The snake spoke to Eve, saying, “Go ahead, eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. I promise you will be ok. But God knows that as soon as you eat that fruit your eyes will be opened.”

Eve looked at the tree and its fruit looked more delicious than the fruit of any other tree in the garden. So Eve ate the fruit of that tree, and she gave some to Adam and he ate, also. Suddenly, they knew things they had not known before. They saw that they wore no clothes, and they sewed fig leaves together to make clothing. 

When they heard God’s voice, they hid among the trees. But God found them and said “Who told you that you had no clothes? Did you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge?” And Adam and Eve told God about the snake and all that had happened. 

God spoke to the snake. “Because you have done this,” God said, “you shall be the lowest of the animals. You shall crawl on your belly and eat dirt all the days of your life.”

To Adam and Eve, God said, “You listened to the snake and did not do as I told you, you shall never again live in the Garden of Eden. You shall have to work hard from morning to night to force the earth to give you food. As you came from the earth, you will return to the earth.”

Then God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and Eve, and dressed them. And God sent Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, so that they might never eat the fruit of the tree of life that lasts forever. 

#2 WATCH: The Mystery of the Forbidden Fruit…

#3 WATCH: Listen UP! Following the Rules

#4 Review and Response

Tamid Kids at ComputerNow that you have studies some interesting things about Jewish History,  please respond to these top 4 questions. Good luck!

1. Who were the first two people in biblical history and where did they live?
2. What was the one and only rule God gave to the people in the Garden?
3. Can you name the 4 types of fruit that could have come from the Tree of Knowledge?
4. Why do you think it is sometimes challenging to follow rules?


Need some help?

We’re here for you. At any time, if you have any questions, please contact one of our teachers so we can help you.

Also, at the end of the session, remember to review your responses in your Tamid Workbook so you can get credit for this lesson. Behatzlacha (Hebrew for good luck)!

You can reach Sarah at (646)360-0689 or [email protected]