Tamid Moves!

Walkathon + Moveathon May 24, 2020

Food Bank For New York City

Walk or move where you are to raise awareness for food insecurity!

Did you know?

  • Foodbank NY has delivered over 5 Million meals to the needy since March 15
  • Foodbank NY brings food to frontline workers at hospitals, clinics, and healthcare workers
  • Foodbank NY has set up hubs for seniors, homes, and walk thru pick ups
  • Foodbank NY is serving our city. They need our help!

Read this letter from Leslie Gordon, President and CEO

Walk or Move on May 24, 2020. It’s Easy!

  1. Print this placard/bib and attach it to your shirt
  2. Walk or move with safety and social distancing in mind
  3. Take a picture and send it to our office ([email protected]) and post to your social media accounts with #tamidlovesyou
  4. Tell us how far you walked. For every real mile walked, Tamid will donate $5 in your honor. $5 feeds one person for a day.
  5. Tell us how much you moved. Move your body in anyway you can at home. 15 minutes of real movement = 1 mile = $5 raised.
  6. If you can, start at 10 AM for the launch party on Zoom from your smart phone.
    Meeting ID: 689 877 9685. Password: 782383

This moveathon is sponsored by Tamid’s Downtown Hunger Action Project by Teens. Do you have any teens who want to get involved in DHAP? DHAP meets once per month to learn about food insecurity and the Jewish response to hunger and homelessness and to work on creative solutions to serve the needy. it’s a meaningful way to serve and to earn volunteer credit hours. Get involved!


Tamid Moves PDF