#58 Stories from the Tanakh – Unit 3

Lesson #58.1: Building the Mishkan

In this lesson, you will learn about the Mishkan or Tabernacle, the special place the Ten Commandments were kept, and how Aaron, brother of Moses, and his sons took care of this special place during the long journey through the desert.


Lesson #58.2: Parashat Yitro – Who Taught Moses to Lead?

In this lesson you will learn about the man who helped Moses learn how to lead the Israelite people. This was a job that was so much harder than Moses expected, and he needed advice from this father-in-law to learn what it meant to ask for help and to delegate responsibilities.



Lesson #58.3: Deborah – Judging and Peacemaking

In this lesson you will begin to learn about the time of the Judges. Deborah is one of the great female judges, who led the Israelite people through times of uncertainty, fear, and war, to end with 40 years of peace and prosperity.



Lesson #58.4: Gideon Needs a Sign

In this lesson you will learn about the judge/leader named Gideon. He was a man who needed help understanding and believing in what God wanted from him. God gave him many signs to help him understand that it was his turn to lead the Israelite people.



Lesson #58.5: Samson – Strength After Strength

In this lesson you will learn about Samson, who had amazing hair and super strength! Samson was also considered a judge/leader and great general of the Israelite people during his time. He was led astray from what he knew was the right thing to do and suffered consequences. Eventually he makes his message heard by the people who needed to hear it.