#58.5 Stories from the Tanakh: Samson – Strength After Strength

In this lesson you’ll meet and learn about Samson the last of the judges.

Samson’s parents were childless so they prayed to God. A messenger was sent to his parents and told them that they would have a baby, but the baby must never have his hair cut and would spend his life in service of God. The parents agreed and they did indeed have a baby they named Samson.

Samson grew into a very strong young man. He took the vow of a Nazrite, one who abstained from eating and drinking certain things and who never cut his hair (Numbers 6:1-8). Eventually, Samson ventured out and fell in love with a woman named Delilah. She was convinced by the Philistines to discover the source of his amazing power. Watch the video below to learn more about Samson and his strength.

#1 Watch and Learn: Samson’s Great Strength?

  • What does Samson pick up and use to defeat the Philistines?
  • Who is the woman Samson falls in love with, but who also betrays him?
  • According to this video, where does Samson’s strength come from?


#2 Active Learning: Everyone has a superpower! 

God gave Samson the gift of strength from his long hair and the conviction to be a

If God offered you a superpower, what would you choose and why?

Draw yourself as superhero! Show us in the picture what your super power is and how it is helpful in doing good in the world. You can use this template for your drawing or you can make your own! Be creative!



#3:Review and Response

  1. Who is the judge/leader in this story?
  2. Why do you think the Philistines asked Delilah to help them take away Samson’s strength?
  3. Have there been times someone wanted you to tell a secret about yourself and then they used it against you? How did it make you feel? How do you think Samson felt when he realized what Delilah had done?
  4. How does Samson get his strength back?
  5. Are there times when you feel strong? What are some of those times? What happens if you aren’t feeling strong but have to help someone out? What can we do to have internal strength to do the right things in our lives and help others do the right thing too?

Need some help? We’re here for you. At any time, if you have any questions, please contact one of our teachers so we can help youBehatzlacha (Hebrew for good luck)! You can reach our teachers at (646)360-0689 or [email protected]