#56.6 – Isaac & Rebecca
In this lesson you will read the story of how the servant of Abraham went in search of a wife for Isaac and found the kind and beautiful Rebecca. You will also learn about the burial place of the patriarchs and discuss the importance of taking care of family both now and in the future.
#1 READ: The Story of Isaac and Rebecca
When Sarah died, Abraham and Isaac missed her very much. Abraham was old. He knew that he too would soon die. Isaac needed a wife so that he would not be alone. Abraham said to his servant, “Go to the place I was born and find a wife for Isaac. Bring her to Isaac so that they can marry and have children of their own.”
Abraham’s servant took treasures of gold and silver and set out toward the city of Nahor. It was evening when he arrived, the time of day when the girls came down to the well to draw water. He made his camels sit by the well, and he prayed. “God of Abraham, choose a wife for Isaac. I will ask each of the girls to give me a drink. If one gives me a drink and then also waters my camels – I will know that she is the right girl for Isaac to marry.”

Just as he finished his prayer, a beautiful girl came and filled her jar with water. “I am very thirsty,” the servant said. “Please let me drink a little water from your jar.” And the girl answered, “Drink as much as you want. And I will also bring water for your camels.” And she went back and forth to the well until every camel had finished drinking.
Then the girls said to the servant, “I am Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel. Come to my home. You are tired, and we have room for a guest to spend the night.” And Abraham’s servant was surprosed, for Bethuel was the nephew of Abraham. So the servant thanked God for choosing Rebecca.
At home, Rebecca’s father welcomed the servant and fed his camels. He washed the dust of the desert from the servant’s feet, and placed a meal on the table before him.
“I must tell you my tale before I eat,” the servant said. “I was sent by your uncle Abraham to find a wife for his son Isaac.” And the servant told all that had happened. He told how he prayed to find the right girl – one who was kind to all, to people and to animals. He told how he asked for a drink for himself, and Rebecca gave him a drink and also watered his camels. He told how Rebecca invited him home for the night. And he told how he discovered that Rebecca was part of Abraham’s family.
At last he said, “I have brought presents of gold and silver for your family. Let Rebecca come and be a wife of Isaac?” And she said, “I will go with him.” And they blessed Rebecca and bid her farewell.
Then Rebecca mounted a camel and she rode with Abraham’s servant back to the Promised Land.

Isaac went for a walk one evening. He looked up and, behold, he saw camels coming toward him. Just then, Rebecca looked out and saw Isaac. “Who is that man coming to welcome us?” She asked the servant. And the servant answered, “That is Isaac, my master.”
Isaac and Rebecca fell in love at once. Isaac took Rebecca to the tent that had belonged to Sarah, his mother. And Rebecca became his wife, bringing him children and comfort after the death of his mother.
#2 WATCH: The Importance of Family
#3 WATCH: Abraham: The Cave of The Patriarchs (Ma’arat Hamachpela)
#4 READ & LEARN: Hinei Mah Tov

Hinei Mah Tov is a Jewish hymn traditionally sung at Shabbat feasts. Its lyrics are from the first verse of Psalm 133, which is translated by the JPS Tanakh as “How good and how pleasant it is that brothers dwell together.”
Hine Ma Tov continues to be a popular hymn for several Israeli folk dances and is a common song sung by school children and Jewish and Israeli scouting groups.
It has been recorded by artists as diverse as Joshua Aaron, Theodore Bikel, The Weavers, Dalida, Meir Finkelstein, Ishtar, the Miami Boys Choir, the Abayudaya of Uganda and the dub group Adonai and I.
Now that you have studied some interesting things about Jewish History, please respond to these top 3 questions. Good luck!
1. Why do you think Abraham decided to send his servant out to find a wife for Isaac, his son, instead of letting Isaac find a wife for himself?
2. What was the name of the cave Abraham bought to bury his wife Sarah, and why do you think it was an important story to include in the Torah?
3. If you do or don’t have brothers or sisters, why do you think Hinei Mah Tov is a prayer that we sing every Shabbat and on most holidays in the Jewish community?