#41a Theology – God in the Universe (ages 6-9)

#41a – Theology: God in Other Religions (ages 6-9)

the-misunderstanding-by-fundamentalists-of-all-religions-of-the-nature-of-god-and-the-meaning-of-salvation-according-to-the-urantia-bookIn this lesson you will learn that there are many religions in the world and Judaism is one of them. Every religion has many special beliefs and practices and holidays. There are over 100 religions in the world today that are actively practiced.

NOTE: Please watch and do lesson 40 (God in Judaism) prior to viewing this lesson
NOTE: This lesson is age appropriate for students 6 – 9 years old. For 10 years +, please do lesson #41b Theology: God in Other Religions

#1 KNOW THIS:  Useful Vocabulary

The Three Great Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
HaShem: The Name of the Jewish God
Jesus: The Name of the Christian God
Allah: The Name of the Muslim God


There are over 100 religions in the world. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are considered the Three Great Monotheistic religions because each of them believe in One God. There are Jews, Christians, and Muslims that live all over the world and most continents have all three religions – and many more. For example, there are Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the United States, Ethiopia, France, Mexico, and all over the world.

14 Million = Number of Jews in the World (.2% of the world)
1.6 Billion = Number of Muslims in the world (24% of the world)
2.2 Billion = Number of Christians in the world (32% of the world)

For more facts about religion and world population studies, visit the Pew Research on Religion and Public Life

#3 WATCH: Little Kids: Big Questions | Religion

#4. WATCH: If the World was a Village of 100 People


1. What are the names of the different Gods in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?
2. What is the most important question you have about religion?
3. Discussion: Why is it important to learn about the different religions in the world?

Need some help?

We’re here for you. At any time, if you have any questions, please contact one of our teachers so we can help you.

Also, at the end of the session, remember to review your responses in your Tamid Workbook so you can get credit for this lesson. Behatzlacha (Hebrew for good luck)!

You can reach us at (646)360-0689 or connect@tamidnyc.org