+ An Interfaith Community Thanksgiving

3904.7388 Tamid Invite card (2) copyInterfaith Thanksgiving Volunteer Opportunities:

Setup of St. Paul’s Chapel
Wednesday, November 26 from 4:00 – 6:00pm

Thanksgiving Day Opportunities:

The general idea of this day is to spend time with the people who are in need of Thanksgiving Day spirit and food. Everyone helping in the following areas are asked to take the time to sit and enjoy a meal with their families as well as with those who are there in need, to talk, encourage and spread the warmth of the day.

The meal is free to all participating.

Please let Christina know if there is a specific area listed below you would like to help with or if you would just like to spend the time interacting with other guests.

–       Door Welcomers
–       Doing mixers with families

–       Serving food
–       Serving cider
–       Serving water from pitchers
–       Table maintenance (giving out napkins, clearing spills, etc)

–       Handing out leaves to decorate
–       Receiving leaves to put on Thanksgiving Tree
–       Art Table helpers

3904.7388 Tamid Invite card (1) copy